So you need to select the heading styles from the "Styles" gallery group in the "Home" tab to the selected text. The second row lets you align text to the right but. From left to right, and top to bottom, the buttons let you align text to the right, and top, center and top, and left and top. The Alignment toolbox has nine buttons for aligning text in a table in Microsoft Word. While understanding how to create a table of contents in Word 2016 for heavy documents, applying a heading style is considered essential for creating the Table of Contents. Go to the Layout tab and you will find there’s an Alignment toolbox there. This article provides a definitive guide on how to create a table of contents in MS Word. How to set cells to vertically centered step 6 choose the cell tab and then choose vertical alignment to be. Then, click Layout > Page Setup icon in the Page Setup group, see. Select the text content that you want to center, and then click Center icon under the Home tab in Paragraph group, see screenshot: 2. To put the text content on the middle of the page, please do as this: 1. When it comes to creating a table of contents within a Word file, several necessary steps are to be covered to interconnect the written document with the table itself. Center the text content vertically and horizontally in Word document. How to Create a Table of Contents in Word This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a table of contents in detail. So it is also very important to know about how to create table of contents in Word. It explains all the significant points that are deemed to be covered. When reading an office assignment or research, the Table of Contents is considered an optimal part of the document for breaking it down to the reader.